移动机器人的视觉导航经典通过SLAM加上最佳规划,最近通过实现作为深网络的端到端培训。虽然前者通常仅限于航点计划,但即使在真实的物理环境中已经证明了它们的效率,后一种解决方案最常用于模拟中,但已被证明能够学习更复杂的视觉推理,涉及复杂的语义规则。通过实际机器人在物理环境中导航仍然是一个开放问题。端到端的培训方法仅在模拟中进行了彻底测试,实验涉及实际机器人的实际机器人在简化的实验室条件下限制为罕见的性能评估。在这项工作中,我们对真实物理代理的性能和推理能力进行了深入研究,在模拟中培训并部署到两个不同的物理环境。除了基准测试之外,我们提供了对不同条件下不同代理商培训的泛化能力的见解。我们可视化传感器使用以及不同类型信号的重要性。我们展示了,对于Pointgoal Task,一个代理在各种任务上进行预先培训,并在目标环境的模拟版本上进行微调,可以达到竞争性能,而无需建模任何SIM2重传,即通过直接从仿真部署培训的代理即可一个真正的物理机器人。
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机器人社区已经开始严重依赖越来越逼真的3D模拟器,以便在大量数据上进行大规模培训机器人。但是,一旦机器人部署在现实世界中,仿真差距以及现实世界的变化(例如,灯,物体位移)导致错误。在本文中,我们介绍了SIM2Realviz,这是一种视觉分析工具,可以帮助专家了解并减少机器人EGO-POSE估计任务的这种差距,即使用训练型模型估计机器人的位置。 Sim2Realviz显示了给定模型的详细信息以及在模拟和现实世界中的实例的性能。专家可以识别在给定位置影响模型预测的环境差异,并通过与模型假设的直接交互来探索来解决它。我们详细介绍了工具的设计,以及与对平均偏差的回归利用以及如何解决的案例研究以及如何解决,以及模型如何被诸如自行车等地标的消失的扰动。
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In this paper, we present a framework for learning quadruped navigation by integrating central pattern generators (CPGs), i.e. systems of coupled oscillators, into the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework. Through both exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensing, the agent learns to modulate the intrinsic oscillator setpoints (amplitude and frequency) and coordinate rhythmic behavior among different oscillators to track velocity commands while avoiding collisions with the environment. We compare different neural network architectures (i.e. memory-free and memory-enabled) which learn implicit interoscillator couplings, as well as varying the strength of the explicit coupling weights in the oscillator dynamics equations. We train our policies in simulation and perform a sim-to-real transfer to the Unitree Go1 quadruped, where we observe robust navigation in a variety of scenarios. Our results show that both memory-enabled policy representations and explicit interoscillator couplings are beneficial for a successful sim-to-real transfer for navigation tasks. Video results can be found at
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Deep spiking neural networks (SNNs) offer the promise of low-power artificial intelligence. However, training deep SNNs from scratch or converting deep artificial neural networks to SNNs without loss of performance has been a challenge. Here we propose an exact mapping from a network with Rectified Linear Units (ReLUs) to an SNN that fires exactly one spike per neuron. For our constructive proof, we assume that an arbitrary multi-layer ReLU network with or without convolutional layers, batch normalization and max pooling layers was trained to high performance on some training set. Furthermore, we assume that we have access to a representative example of input data used during training and to the exact parameters (weights and biases) of the trained ReLU network. The mapping from deep ReLU networks to SNNs causes zero percent drop in accuracy on CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and the ImageNet-like data sets Places365 and PASS. More generally our work shows that an arbitrary deep ReLU network can be replaced by an energy-efficient single-spike neural network without any loss of performance.
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Recently, extensive studies on photonic reinforcement learning to accelerate the process of calculation by exploiting the physical nature of light have been conducted. Previous studies utilized quantum interference of photons to achieve collective decision-making without choice conflicts when solving the competitive multi-armed bandit problem, a fundamental example of reinforcement learning. However, the bandit problem deals with a static environment where the agent's action does not influence the reward probabilities. This study aims to extend the conventional approach to a more general multi-agent reinforcement learning targeting the grid world problem. Unlike the conventional approach, the proposed scheme deals with a dynamic environment where the reward changes because of agents' actions. A successful photonic reinforcement learning scheme requires both a photonic system that contributes to the quality of learning and a suitable algorithm. This study proposes a novel learning algorithm, discontinuous bandit Q-learning, in view of a potential photonic implementation. Here, state-action pairs in the environment are regarded as slot machines in the context of the bandit problem and an updated amount of Q-value is regarded as the reward of the bandit problem. We perform numerical simulations to validate the effectiveness of the bandit algorithm. In addition, we propose a multi-agent architecture in which agents are indirectly connected through quantum interference of light and quantum principles ensure the conflict-free property of state-action pair selections among agents. We demonstrate that multi-agent reinforcement learning can be accelerated owing to conflict avoidance among multiple agents.
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Fingerprints are key tools in climate change detection and attribution (D&A) that are used to determine whether changes in observations are different from internal climate variability (detection), and whether observed changes can be assigned to specific external drivers (attribution). We propose a direct D&A approach based on supervised learning to extract fingerprints that lead to robust predictions under relevant interventions on exogenous variables, i.e., climate drivers other than the target. We employ anchor regression, a distributionally-robust statistical learning method inspired by causal inference that extrapolates well to perturbed data under the interventions considered. The residuals from the prediction achieve either uncorrelatedness or mean independence with the exogenous variables, thus guaranteeing robustness. We define D&A as a unified hypothesis testing framework that relies on the same statistical model but uses different targets and test statistics. In the experiments, we first show that the CO2 forcing can be robustly predicted from temperature spatial patterns under strong interventions on the solar forcing. Second, we illustrate attribution to the greenhouse gases and aerosols while protecting against interventions on the aerosols and CO2 forcing, respectively. Our study shows that incorporating robustness constraints against relevant interventions may significantly benefit detection and attribution of climate change.
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We discuss pattern languages for closed pattern mining and learning of interval data and distributional data. We first introduce pattern languages relying on pairs of intersection-based constraints or pairs of inclusion based constraints, or both, applied to intervals. We discuss the encoding of such interval patterns as itemsets thus allowing to use closed itemsets mining and formal concept analysis programs. We experiment these languages on clustering and supervised learning tasks. Then we show how to extend the approach to address distributional data.
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The long-distance agreement, evidence for syntactic structure, is increasingly used to assess the syntactic generalization of Neural Language Models. Much work has shown that transformers are capable of high accuracy in varied agreement tasks, but the mechanisms by which the models accomplish this behavior are still not well understood. To better understand transformers' internal working, this work contrasts how they handle two superficially similar but theoretically distinct agreement phenomena: subject-verb and object-past participle agreement in French. Using probing and counterfactual analysis methods, our experiments show that i) the agreement task suffers from several confounders which partially question the conclusions drawn so far and ii) transformers handle subject-verb and object-past participle agreements in a way that is consistent with their modeling in theoretical linguistics.
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Predicting the physical interaction of proteins is a cornerstone problem in computational biology. New classes of learning-based algorithms are actively being developed, and are typically trained end-to-end on protein complex structures extracted from the Protein Data Bank. These training datasets tend to be large and difficult to use for prototyping and, unlike image or natural language datasets, they are not easily interpretable by non-experts. We present Dock2D-IP and Dock2D-IF, two "toy" datasets that can be used to select algorithms predicting protein-protein interactions$\unicode{x2014}$or any other type of molecular interactions. Using two-dimensional shapes as input, each example from Dock2D-IP ("interaction pose") describes the interaction pose of two shapes known to interact and each example from Dock2D-IF ("interaction fact") describes whether two shapes form a stable complex or not. We propose a number of baseline solutions to the problem and show that the same underlying energy function can be learned either by solving the interaction pose task (formulated as an energy-minimization "docking" problem) or the fact-of-interaction task (formulated as a binding free energy estimation problem).
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We present a way to create small yet difficult model counting instances. Our generator is highly parameterizable: the number of variables of the instances it produces, as well as their number of clauses and the number of literals in each clause, can all be set to any value. Our instances have been tested on state of the art model counters, against other difficult model counting instances, in the Model Counting Competition. The smallest unsolved instances of the competition, both in terms of number of variables and number of clauses, were ours. We also observe a peak of difficulty when fixing the number of variables and varying the number of clauses, in both random instances and instances built by our generator. Using these results, we predict the parameter values for which the hardest to count instances will occur.
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